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the wicker man The Wicker Man
Directed by:
Neil LaBute
Cast: Nicolas Cage, Ellen Burstyn, Kate Beahan, Francis Conroy

Written by:
Torence Fallen

December 29, 2006

Nicolas Cage stars in The Wicker Man.  A film about a police man who is led to an island off the coast of Washington State.  He comes there after receiving a letter from his ex-fiancé, claiming she has a daughter who has gone missing. 


This island, Summer Isle is predominantly female, who live under their rule and religion. 

Cage is plagued by visions of a girl who he believes died in an accident he witnessed.  However, no body was ever found.  His ex-fiancé tells him that her daughter is also his daughter, intensifying his search.  As he goes through many trials and tribulations searching for her, the whole town denies her existence.  He finds many clues that she did exist and believes that she is still alive.

The town holds annual festivals; festivals for bad crop seasons, and for fertility.  Being that the last season was a really bad one, they need a sacrifice to give to their god and goddesses to ensure a healthy crop.  Cage believes that his daughter is this year’s sacrifice. 

In the end he finds his daughter in the middle of this year’s festival, tied to wood, and ready to be burned.  He rescues her and they run into the forest.  His daughter ends up leading him back to the town’s people.  The predictable twist occurs as his daughter runs back to her mother as she praises her for a job well done.  The town‘s people hobble Cage and burn him as sacrifice for a better crop season.

The whole time I was waiting for the other police officer, who knew he was heading out that way to come in sirens blazing to rescue him.  It never happened.  He went to this island alone, and died alone, all according to the plan of the people of Summer Isle.   The end leaves us with Cage in flames, and no punishment or remorse from the island folk. 
The ending was predictable, but the movie held my interest the entire time.

  star starfor keeping my attention, and reminding me of M Knight Shamalan movie, The Village.

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