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the brothers grimm The Brothers Grimm
Directed by:
Terry Gilliam
Cast: Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Petr Ratimec, Anna Rust, Jeremy Robson

Written by:
Jaysin Champion
AKA Jay Decay

May 30,  2006

Ok at first I was kind of skeptical about watching this movie seeing as it was rated PG-13 but I do have an appreciation for Terry Gilliam so I gave it a shot and I was amazed with the ending result.


This movie had it's own cunning way of associating the story of the Grimm Brothers with the actual stories that they associate with, like Little Red Riding hood, Hansel and Gretel, Repunzel and her long flowing hair, the woodsman that kills the big bad wolf actually IS the wolf,  the Gingerbread man and even funny enough when an old lady tries to put in her word she's told "Be quiet you old witch, else I give you another Ducking!" ha-ha you know, a witch weighs less than a duck from Monty Python and the Holy Grail... I mean this movie was class; I'll give it that, even if it has that slag Matt Damon as one of the main stars

This is one of those movies that you can watch with your kids as long as they are over like 8 years old, there's on scene of gore-like effects but other than that the language is mild and the spook factor is proper enough not to scare the piss out of them....

Irregardless I'd have to give this movie four chainsaws. Definitely worth seeing.

Jay Decay's Rating: chainsaw chainsaw chainsaw

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