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honey, I'm home! Honey, I'm Home!
Direceted by:
David Branin
Cast: Jacob Magnuson, Karen Worden

Written by:
Ricardo Barberini

August 24, 2007

A very delightful one reeler from David Branin.  The little movie is less than 6 minutes long and yet it is a gem in its class.


The producer/director/writer David Branin has taken a very simple concept of relationships and developed it into a humorous yarn.

The movie starts with a cagey adulterous husband returning home in the rain.   He is careful to put his ring back on to fool his wife and enters their bedroom.  Like most people who betray their spouses he is self conscious and nervous.

We cannot give the rest of the story away.  We were pleasantly surprised by the ending and its originality.

Even though this was a very short video, we would commend the writer for his originality.  The theme music by Rudy Mangual appropriately kept pace with the story line. The cinematography did not come up to expectations.  The camera was jittery and choppy in a couple of bedroom scenes.  David is a really talented director, and as a writer he is original.   We feel that we will be seeing more great stuff from him.

We give it starstar1/2

Watch it if you can find it.  You would be helping a talented artist.

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