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march of the penguins
March of the Penguins
Directed by:
Luc Jacquet
Morgan Freeman

Written by:
Matt Booth

December 24, 2007

Back in 2005 the good people over at National Geographic films released "March of the Penguins".

This movie tells the triumphant true story of the momma and papa Penguin and details the 9 month journey they take every year, year after year, in the harshestconditions on Earth, Antarctica, to find a mate.

The story is told in documentary style with the great Morgan Freeman as the story teller. Ever since "Driving Miss Daisy" hearing Morgan Freemans voice has been something I look forward to, and this is a good reason to watch this movie. He is very passionate about his Penguins and will have you on the edge of your seat throughout rooting for the mammals on their annual trek across the ice. Another good reason to see this film is the Cinematography, as the pictures from the bottom of the earth are effectively captured by the film makers and is worth the price of the rental fees alone. 

The Emperor Penguin is a very interesting creature to study and this movie teaches us the culture of the Penguin. You will feel like you have learned something after seeing the film and think it is a well done movie too! Sounds like a winning combination. So just see it for yourself!!


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